Winners of the 2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards Announced

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The recipients of the 2020 United Nations Global Climate Action Awards were announced today, shining a light on some of the best examples of what people across the globe are doing to combat climate change in a year that has cast darkness upon so many.

“Can Democracy Save the Environment?”: one question at the heart of 9th Edition of the World Forum for Democracy, 18TH NOV, 2020

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The 9th edition of the World Forum for Democracy will take the form of a year-long campaign to answer the question “Can Democracy Save the Environment?”. The “12 Months, 1 Question” campaign will allow participants, including political decision-makers and activists, to tackle various aspects of climate change and to debate innovative solutions to collectively respond to the urgency of our environm


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As part of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities will host the first major meeting of all European commissioners/ombudspersons for people with disabilities. He will also invite representatives of non-governmental organisations, self-advocacy groups and organisations for and including disabled people.

Ashoka Changemaker Summit (ACMS): YOU CAN STILL REGISTER

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The Ashoka Changemaker Summit (ACMS) is the largest online gathering of system-changing social innovators and changemakers from across the globe. It connects Ashoka’s vast community of world-leading social entrepreneurs and leaders from business and philanthropy.


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Image: REUTERS/Paul Hanna - RC163CC264B0
The increase of waste has been a concern since long time ago, and COVID-19 make this worst.

EU Pact for Skills: mobilising all partners to invest in skills

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The Pact promotes joint action to maximise the impact of investing in improving existing skills (upskilling) and training in new skills (reskilling). It calls on industry, employers, social partners, chambers of commerce, public authorities, education and training providers and employment agencies to work together and make a clear commitment to invest in training for all working age people.

Challenge Campus 2030 - Edition 2: ACT TODAY, TRANSFORM THE CAMPUS OF TOMORROW!

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Calling students and university professors and researchers – the 2nd edition of the Challenge Campus 2030 is calling for projects to submit their vision for a campus of 2030; one that has achieved all 17 SDGs. Projects can fall under one of three themes: Student Life, The Campus in the City, or New Educational Issues.

72 Hours Left to Submit your 2021 Ashoka U Exchange

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Applications are still open to become a presenter or facilitator.The Exchange is Ashoka U’s global gathering for social impact educators. Now more than ever, the Exchange is more than just a conference. It’s a home for educators, students, thought leaders, and visionaries who are passionate about transforming higher education into a home for changemakers.

Vancouver' Climate Emergency Action Plan

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Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 as we're experiencing the growing impacts of the climate crisis and we're at risk to greater challenges as the planet continues to warm. Through the Greenest City Action Plan, we cut our carbon pollution by 9% (between 2007 and 2019), while increasing the number of green jobs by 35%. The Climate Emergency Plan builds on these achievements.
