Building Nepal's Capacity to Implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

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I love everything about sports, which brings me a freedom that I seldom find when I’m in my head, which is most of the time. Professed enemies can come together and allow themselves to compete on the field, court, in the water, on the pitch, diamond, wherever, and share in moments of bliss.

Domestic Child Labor No More: resolution but also pragmatism

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It takes time. You have to offer real solutions that on one hand can improve, gradually, the living conditions of all domestic children and on other hand, can set acceptable safety net standards at the local level sustaining families miserably left with no other options than sending their children to work or even worse.


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September 11 marks another year in the life of our dear friend Simone ( the editor and founder of

Unfettered Teej Kindness

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Kindness comes in many forms. I found kindness from strangers on Teej.

Community Asset Building: why it makes business sense

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One of greatest misconception about Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is the fact that many people tend to think about it only in terms of charity. While the concept is fluid with a plethora of interpretations and definitions, CSR goes well beyond the provision of financial support to the not for profit sector.

White verus Brown: The Colour war continues

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The Indian market is inundated with fairness creams that not only promise marriage but a high paying job as well, In a society obsessed with fair-skin, what happens to the majority of the brown-skinned population

Perspective and Perception

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We as responsible members of the society are well capable of bringing change. We together can work towards building a safe and healthy society.

Corruption: Curse or Crime

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The article highlights the growing cases of high voltage corruption in Nepal. It also tries to delve into the causes behind issues related with abuse of authority which is on the rise in recent times. Finally it underlines the measures that will help to crusade the ever increasing abuse of authority by high ranking officials, and high voltage scam throughout the country.

