International Literacy Day

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Since 1967, International Literacy Day (ILD) celebrations have taken place annually around the world to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society.

South Asian Youth Summit

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The summit aims to bring together the young people living in South Asia and share the impact of COVID-19 on Youth issues’ ( Education, Health, Employment, psychology, among others), youth activism to address the challenges created by the pandemic and ways forward.

Global Impact Visa (GIVs) in NEW ZEALAND

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Immigration New Zealand has partnered with the Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) to deliver an innovative immigration product for high impact entrepreneurs, investors, changemakers, and start-up teams.

GSG Global Impact Summit

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The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) is going virtual - and truly global - with the GSG Global Impact Summit 2020 on September 9th, 10th and 11th.

European Commission announces actions to make Europe's raw materials supply more secure and sustainable

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The Commission presents an Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials, the 2020 List of Critical Raw Materials and a foresight study on critical raw materials for strategic technologies and sectors from the 2030 and 2050 perspectives.

Press release: COVID-19 will widen poverty gap between women and men, new UN Women and UNDP data shows

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The pandemic will push 47 million more women and girls below the poverty line, reversing decades of progress to eradicate extreme poverty.

UN experts launch ground-breaking guidance on access to justice for people with disabilities (PRESS RELEASE)

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GENEVA (28 August 2020) – Lawmakers, lawyers, judges and prison officers today received much-needed support from UN experts to make sure people with disabilities can use justice systems around the world as easily as anyone else, in line with international standards.

Launch of ‘girls back to school’ guide (Press Release, UNESCO, UNICEF, MALALA FUND, UNGEI, PLAN INTERNATIONAL)

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"The guide aims to help policymakers and practitioners in Ministries of Education and their partners address the gender dimensions of COVID-related school closures. It provides targeted recommendations to ensure continuity of learning while schools are closed, and to establish comprehensive, timely and evidence-based plans for reopening schools in a way that is safe, gender-responsive."


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The Australian Climate Roundtable (ACR), a multi stakeholders forum, is calling for bolder actions to fight climate change and call for a transition to net-zero emissions among others suggested actions.

Good Childhood Report 2020 (The Children Society UK)

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The report "seeks to understand the experiences of children who have low well-being - what enhances and hinders children’s happiness. We have made every effort to reflect children’s own views in the reports, working with children to identify and focus on topics that they tell us are important, in addition to being guided by the available evidence."
