Social protection is one of the most powerful tools for governments to reduce inequality, vulnerability and poverty. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed and increased the vulnerabilities faced by women and has underlined the need for meaningful and lasting solutions. An ASEAN collective response to Covid-19 is needed to reflect more inclusive gender transformative policies, where women and girls are included in the conversations to empower them to reap full rights and benefits in the workplace and beyond.
Time zone - PM [ICT]
More information, including the list of panelists and speakers, and registration form available at the event page.
Social protection is one of the most powerful tools for governments to reduce inequality, vulnerability and poverty. It is an essential pillar of redistributive policies when it puts money that has been gathered through progressive taxation into the hands of those who have less. If designed with a gender lens, social protection can make a substantial contribution to gender equality and the empowerment of women. An ASEAN collective response to Covid-19 is needed to reflect more inclusive gender transformative policies, where women and girls are included in the conversations to empower them to reap full rights and benefits in the workplace and beyond. Objectives: The event will bring together women’s organizations, gender and women affairs experts, social protection experts, national and international organizations, civil society organizations, UN agencies, ASEAN Committee on Women, ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development, relevant Ministerial bodies, and individuals interested in the cause of women’s empowerment and advancement. 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Opening and Welcome | Session A – Why we need social protection systems that empower women?
Session B - The role of social protection in recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care and domestic work (UCDW)
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