Asia-Pacific leaders convene in Bangkok for annual UN regional forum

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Political leaders and high-level government and UN officials from across the region will convene in Bangkok this week for the 74th session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

TODAY IS EUROPE DAY: Schuman Report 2018, State of the Union.

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9th May is Europe Day. It involves all of the citizens of the EU because it celebrates the declaration delivered on 9th May 1950 by Robert Schuman. On that day five years after the end of the Second World War French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made the initial appeal for the construction of Europe. This declaration announced the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

‘Robust’ economic growth in Asia-Pacific last year and ‘promising’ prospects ahead

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Economies in the Asia-Pacific region registered robust growth in 2017 and prospects for this year look promising, the United Nations development arm in the region said, urging countries to take advantage of positive conditions and address underlying vulnerabilities.

Citizens' Panel on the Future of Europe

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For the first time in the history of the EU, the Commission will convene a Citizens' Panel to prepare a public consultation on the Future of Europe. On 5-6 May, a group of 80 Europeans will come to Brussels from 27 Member States, and work together to draft a 12-question online consultation.

ADB Operations Reach $32.2 Billion in 2017 — ADB Annual Report

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Annual operations of ADB reached a record $32.2 billion in 2017, as the bank continues to meet Asia and the Pacific’s growing development needs, according to the Annual Report. This was a 26% increase from the year before.

The UNV Path to 2020

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The United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV) has invited UN Member States to undertake a situation analysis at the national level on three elements of volunteer infrastructural arrangements: (a) policy and legislation, (b) functioning schemes and organizations at the national and subnational levels; and (c) the state of impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation

South Asia leaders meet in Nepal to radically improve education in the region

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A big gathering organized by UNICEF REGIONAL SOUTH ASIA office reviews progress and challenges on primary education: 30 million children at the age of 5-14 are currently left out of school

States of Change: Building the next generation of public innovation

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States of Change brings together the world’s best public innovation practitioners and experts. Together, we’re working to enhance the quality, coherence and reach of public innovation learning, and to ultimately improve lives for citizens across the world.

Pakistan’s youth moment by Dr Adil Najam ( The News, Pakistan)

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Dr Adil Najam, the inaugural dean of the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, is the d lead author of the Pakistan National Human Development Report on Youth

Pakistan's National Human Rights Report focuses on Youths:

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With the title, Unleashing the potential of a Young Pakistan, the report can help create a new momentum to harness the power of youths who are in the highest numbers ever.
