GISD Alliance co-signs Call to Action on Scaling Private Capital Mobilization

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The GISD Alliance has co-signed a joint Call to Action to heads of states, policymakers and multilateral development bank (MDB) officials to scale private capital mobilization.

The Impact Taskforce: State of Play 2023

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This report takes stock of progress made on our original recommendations to the UK G7 Presidency put forward in Time to Deliver: Mobilizing private capital at scale for people and planet. Our work continues to be organized around the two core themes of impact transparency and capital mobilization in support of a Just Transition.

Business Leadership in Times of Crisis: Collected Insights from Chief Executive Officers into Successes, Challenges and Areas for Future Focus

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The UN Global Compact has compiled perspectives from CEOs across the globe, to provide policymakers, companies, and the public with practical insights into business leadership in today’s novel and dynamic operating environment.

EQUATOR PRINCIPLES leadership change

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Amit Puri, Standard Chartered, has informed the EP Steering Committee that he is leaving his role at Standard Chartered and consequently also vacates his position as Chair, with immediate effect.

Dec 2023 | Banking, Climate Change, Net Zero Banking, Publications, Target Setting Net-Zero Banking Alliance 2023 Progress Update

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The Net-Zero Banking Alliance provides an in-depth analysis of NZBA members’ progress on target-setting and delivery against their targets every two years in the form of a progress report. The last progress report compiled by the Alliance was published in November 2022; the next such report will be published in Summer 2024 after NZBA’s founding member banks are due to have set targets for all thei

Next Generation: A Global Dialogue on Youth Priorities and Empowerment

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The British Council is pleased to invite you to Next Generation: A Global Dialogue on Youth Priorities and Empowerment, a day-long dialogue and networking event showcasing the latest research and insights from the British Council’s youth research programme, Next Generation.

Global annual finance flows of $7 trillion fueling climate, biodiversity, and land degradation crises

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Dubai, 9 December 2023 – Close to $7 trillion is invested globally each year in activities that have a direct negative impact on nature from both public and private sector sources - equivalent to roughly 7 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - according to the latest State of Finance for Nature report released today at COP28 by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners.


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At today's European SLAPP Contest 2024, the Canadian real estate group SAKTO won the "International Bully of the Year" award and the People's Choice Award - SAKTO is run by former Sarawak Governor Taib Mahmud's daughter Jamilah Taib and her husband Sean Murray

Secretary-General's remarks to the General Assembly on Priorities for 2024

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"Peace can achieve wonders that wars never will. Wars destroy. Peace builds. But in today’s troubled world, building peace is a conscious, bold and even radical act. It is humanity’s greatest responsibility. That responsibility belongs to us all – individually and collectively. In this difficult and divided moment, let’s meet that obligation for today and future generations. Starting here".

Saudi Arabia: Deadly Abuses Despite Image Campaign

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Mass Killings at Yemen Border; Death Sentences; Long Prison Terms (Human Rights Watch)
