Call For Papers — Democratizing Human Rights Workshop

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With McMaster’s Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice, Participedia’s Human Rights Research Cluster is hosting an upcoming workshop, “Democratizing Human Rights: Towards an Inclusive and Participatory Human Rights Agenda,” and has put out a call for papers!

Workshop: Democratizing Human Rights
Date: July 2025
Location: Hybrid | Hamilton, ON, Canada — In-person & Virtual
Proposals Due: January 15, 2025

Focused on how democratic innovations and deliberative democracy can help actualize the core principles of human rights, this workshop will explore how participatory processes can address the tensions and gaps that have arisen between the theoretical principles of universal human rights and the diverse realities of global populations. How can democratic practices help mitigate the tensions between majority rule and minority rights? How can we respond to the needs of all people, especially those who have historically been marginalized at the state and transnational levels? The Human Rights Research Cluster is inviting scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in the fields of human rights, democracy, and related disciplines to submit paper proposals.

The workshop will be held in-person in Hamilton, ON, Canada, with a selection of hybrid sessions. As the cluster secures sponsorships, possible funding opportunities will be made known, with Global South and early-career scholars being prioritized.

Interested participants should send a proposal, including the title of their paper, a 300-word abstract, and a 100-word biography, to Selected papers will be announced in February 2025.

For more detailed instructions, click here to read the call for papers, and click here to learn more about McMaster’s Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice.

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