Oxfam and partners tackle challenges to gender inequality at 66th Commission on the Status of Women

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Oxfam is working with women leaders attending from countries including Dominican Republic, Malawi, Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania, Turkey, and more 

Oxfam submitted a full statement in advance of CSW66

Brenda Mofya, Head of Oxfam’s New York office said:

“As the COVID-19 pandemic has proven once again, women and girls, the LGBTQIA+ and racialized communities face enormous additional challenges accessing resources and opportunities. As we watch the climate crisis escalate around us, we must have these communities at the center of our response. 

“Oxfam has put forward concrete and urgent recommendations for UN Member States to tackle the climate crisis, inequality, women’s economic empowerment, and gender-based violence. If leaders do not act now, with consideration for marginalized communities, we will only see them spiral further out of our control. We have seen what is possible when women and other marginalized communities are given the space to lead and make change, and if these opportunities are expanded, it can give us hope that all of these challenges can be met and overcome.”

Notes to editors

Register for the CSW Parallel Events.

Oxfam and Partner-led Parallel Events: 

Feminist Natural Resource Governance: Land, Mining & A Just Transition (March 14, 8am EST)
This event is co-hosted by FEMNET, Oxfam, PWYP, Tax Justice Network Africa

Promoting Women’s Participation and Decision-Making in Addressing Climate Change: Tanzania’s Village Land Use Planning Framework (March 16, 9am EST)
The event will be co-hosted by the Government of Tanzania and Landesa 

Bringing local Southern Voices to the discourse on Ending Violence Against Women And Girls, Sexual and Reproductive Health for Young People (March 16, 4am EST)
This event is co-hosted by SADC Gender Protocol Alliance, COPUA, SafAIDS, Family Planning Association of Malawi, Network in Youth Development, and Center for Alternatives for Victimized Women and Children

Indigenous Women: Proposals to Address Climate Crisis (March 17, 9am EST)
This event is co-hosted by Oxfam, Coordinación Sur del Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas (ECMIA SUR), and National Organization of Indigenous Women of Perú

Care and Climate: Addressing a Compounding Crisis (March 17, 9am EST)
The event will be co-hosted by the Government of Canada, the Philippines Government, WEDO, and Oxfam

Imaginings of and Lessons from a Feminist Economic Transformation (March 21, 10am EST)
The event will feature panelists from NCDHR-National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights-DAAA, International Center for Research on Women, Bloom Consulting, Action Aid, Oxfam

Caring in a changing climate: Centering Care Work in Climate Action (March 23, 8am EST)
This event will highlight research and discussion from Oxfam researchers and experts from England, Sweden, Philippines, and the US

Youth Ecofeminist voices: Connecting Regional Activisms (March 25, 12pm EST)
This event will feature experts from Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Turkey

Contact information

Lauren Hartnett in New York | +1203-203-247-3920 | lauren.hartnett@oxfam.org
Florence Ogola in Nairobi | +254 715115042 | florence.ogola@oxfam.org 

For updates, please follow @NewsFromOxfam and @Oxfam 

Please support Oxfam's Coronavirus Response Appeal.


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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