The World Anti-Bullying Forum is an international and multidisciplinary forum whose purpose is to broaden our understanding of bullying, harassment, discrimination, ostracism, and other forms of violence among and against children and youth. The forum is a setting for multidisciplinary and cross-level dialogues, panels and meetings aimed at improving our understanding of bullying in all settings where children spend time and the efforts to stop and prevent it. The World Anti-Bullying Forum invites perspectives from different disciplines and areas such as (but not limited to) developmental and social psychology, sociology, social anthropology, education, gender studies, media studies, social work, health sciences, public health, childhood studies, political science, philosophy, and criminology.
The four themes of the joint virtual meetings were:
- The whole-education approach to bullying prevention
- Revisiting the definition of school bullying
- Bullying involving children and young people with disabilities
- The role of teachers in preventing and addressing bullying and cyberbullying - International thematic meeting on bullying
World Anti-Bullying Forum
The World Anti-Bullying Forum is a meeting place for researchers and practitioners in the work against bullying. To end violence against and between children in accordance with the UN’s sustainable development goals, Friends initiated the World Anti-Bullying Forum in 2017.
We believe that the best way to end bullying is by sharing the knowledge and experience we all have. The World Anti-Bullying Forum are creating conditions for dialogue and to learn from each other. The World Anti-Bullying Forum brings together a coalition of international players to prevent bullying, degrading treatment, discrimination and violence among children by sharing knowledge and methods. The Forum’s focus is to facilitate the dissemination of research through advocacy, network building and sharing of content in digital channels.
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