more info: https://www.oecd.org/mcm/
The Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM) is the OECD’s highest-level forum, attended by ministers of finance, economy, foreign affairs, trade and other government departments from the Organisation’s Member and Partner countries, as well as by representatives of other International Organisations.
During the two-day meeting, Ministers welcomed:
- the Indicator Dashboard to Guide a Strong, Resilient, Green and Inclusive Post-COVID-19 Recovery
- the International Programme for Action on Climate (IPAC) Preliminary Dashboard;
- the Policy Framework for Gender-sensitive Public Governance;
- and the Report on the implementation of the Recommendation of the Council on Integrated Mental Health, Skills and Work Policy.
Additionally, Ministers adopted:
- the OECD’s 60th Anniversary Vision Statement;
- the OECD’s Global Relations Strategy;
- the Recommendation of the Council on Enhancing Access to and Sharing of Data;
- the Recommendation of the Council on Transparency and Procedural Fairness in Competition Law Enforcement;
- the Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation;
- and the 2021 Ministerial Council Statement.
More detailed information and supporting documents on meeting outcomes and key issues will be available on the Ministerial Council Meeting website at http://www.oecd.org/mcm/.
Additional background is also available across the OECD platform:
- OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence
- OECD Covid-19 Recovery Hub
- OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
- OECD International Programme for Action on Climate (IPAC)
Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive Future
After over a year of working together to protect the health and economies of our nations and the world, the need for collective action remains. Whether it is defeating COVID-19, building back our economies and societies after the crisis, addressing the climate crisis, or managing the disruptive impact of critical and emerging technologies, not a single challenge facing our citizens today can be effectively addressed by one nation alone. Finding solutions to these global challenges requires co-operation and co-ordination. It requires trust built upon the foundation of shared values. Further, the solutions must be green and inclusive to serve as multi-generational answers.
For 60 years, the OECD has served as an effective platform for likeminded, market-based democracies to work together and find solutions to our most pressing economic challenges. To honour the Organisation’s 60th anniversary and focus our attention on the crucial work at hand, our two-part 2021 Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level (MCM), chaired by the United States with Korea and Luxembourg as Vice-Chairs, gathers Leaders and Ministers under the theme of “Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive Future”.
Part I of the MCM took place virtually on 31 May and 1 June and marked the handover in leadership of the OECD, reflected on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and shared priorities for the near-term recovery. Part II, to take place on 5-6 October, will shift the attention to addressing our medium- and long-term challenges, with a focus on the climate crisis and promoting the transition to net-zero to help build a green future, as well as on making the future more inclusive by promoting a digital transformation and creating opportunities for all. Building on our shared values – democracy, rule of law, human rights, and commitment to open and transparent market-economy principles and high standards in the digital economy – Members will adopt a new Vision Statement to guide the Organisation for the upcoming decade.
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