OpenIDEO - Challenge: The Education (Re)Open (hypeinnovation.com)
The Education (Re)Open is an opportunity to
help strengthen school communities with
solutions that reconnect people and enhance
their wellbeing, teaching, and learning as
they return to in-person learning.
We invite solutions from everyone navigating “back to school” challenges during the pandemic.
We’re especially interested in solutions that could work in the Los Angeles area —
a region rich in diversity and imagination, but also severely impacted by COVID-19 —
but are also focused on spotlighting solutions that can impact everyone worldwide.
The most promising solutions will be featured in a robust and public Solution Exchange,
a repository of ideas that can help school communities prepare for the upcoming school year.
The Education (Re)Open is more than an open call for solutions; it’s a chance
to reconnect people and enhance collective wellbeing, teaching, and learning — for this moment and into the future.
Sign up or log in to submit your solutions by May 14th!
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