77th session of the Commission | ESCAP (unescap.org)
The theme study for the 77th Commission session analyses the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic in countries of Asia and the Pacific, takes stock of action so far, and sets out a policy agenda for building back better grounded in regional cooperation and centered around four critical interconnected areas: broadening social protection, investing in a sustained recovery, strengthening connectivity and supply chains; and mending a broken relationship with nature. The theme study for the 77th Commission session will be launched on 20 April 2021. Meeting at the ministerial level, the members of the Commission will discuss and decide on important issues pertaining to inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in the region and make recommendations to its subsidiary bodies and to the Executive Secretary. The proceedings will include regional perspectives, initiatives and subregional cooperation for scaled up actions in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and take stock of its socioeconomic impact. The Commission will also review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, consider issues vital to the inclusive and sustainable development of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and Pacific island developing States, and discuss management issues such as the proposed programme plan of ESCAP for 2022. |
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