The 2024 Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) will be held on 30 January 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York under the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. The Forum will place a special emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals that will be reviewed at the 2024 HLPF, namely Goal 1 (No Poverty); Goal 2 (Zero Hunger); Goal 13 (Climate Action); Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions); and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
In accordance with resolution 75/290A, the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be focused on the exchange of new ideas, expectations and priorities for the work ahead for ECOSOC and the HLPF on the aforementioned theme. It will showcase and discuss forward-looking actions by countries and all relevant stakeholders through innovative partnerships that can mobilize commitments and actions to advance the 2030 Agenda and address new challenges.
The Political Declaration of the 2023 SDG Summit stresses the importance of enhancing global, regional, national and local partnerships for sustainable development as well as of engaging all relevant stakeholders, recognizing the important contribution they can make toward sustainable development. In this context, the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be a key opportunity to galvanize Member States and all other key stakeholders, including the UN system, international financial institutions, as well as international organizations, parliamentarians, local governments, NGOs, the private sector, civil society, scientists, academia, women, youth and other stakeholders, early on in the ECOSOC cycle
The Forum will place a special emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals that will be reviewed at the 2024 HLPF, namely Goal 1 (no poverty); Goal 2 (zero hunger); Goal 13 (climate action); Goal 16 (peace and justice); and Goal 17 (partnership for the Goals).
In accordance with resolution 75/290A, the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be focused on the exchange of new ideas, expectations and priorities for the work ahead for ECOSOC and the HLPF on the aforementioned theme. It will showcase and discuss forward-looking actions by countries and all relevant stakeholders through innovative partnerships that can mobilize commitments and actions to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and address new challenges.
Participation of representatives from non-governmental organizations and Other Stakeholders
Registration for in-person participation of representatives of non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders is now closed.
Access to the UNHQ and Special Events Ticket (SET)
All in-person participants MUST be in possession of either a valid UN grounds pass or a Special Events Ticket issued by the United Nations to enter the United Nations Headquarters.
If you have a valid UN grounds pass: no action is needed. You can use your grounds pass to enter the UNHQ.
If you do not have a UN grounds pass AND you have received confirmation of your registration, you will need to pick up your Special Events Ticket. Please bring your government-issued photo ID (must be issued by a UN Member State) to collect your ticket at the following location/time:
When: Tuesday, 30 January, 8.45 am – 11:00 am
Where: UN Visitors Center, 801 1ST Avenue, New York, NY 10017 (West side of 1st Avenue between 45th and 46th streets)
Please note: you can only collect your Special Event Ticket during the above time window. The Secretariat will not be able to facilitate any late comers/requests.
Please, be prepared for lines to collect SETs and for security screening.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Access to the Opening Session and the Plenary in the Trusteeship Council Chamber
- Due to the large number of registrations received, a Secondary Access Pass is required for NGOs and other stakeholders (both those with a UN Grounds Pass and SET holders) to access the Trusteeship Council Chamber during the Opening Session and the morning plenary (10 a.m. -1 p.m.)
- Secondary Access Pass will be distributed by UN Secretariat staff at the “Sputnik” area in the visitors’ lobby after the security screening, on a first-come first-served basis, starting at 9:15am on 30 January until all Secondary Access Passes have been distributed. When you arrive at the lobby area, please look for UN staff holding a “2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum” sign.
- Each participant can collect only one Secondary Access Pass. Secondary Access Passes are transferable among participants.
- After collecting a Secondary Access Pass, stakeholders should proceed to the 3rd floor to access the Trusteeship Council Chamber (TRI) using the escalators that are located near the UN guided tours area. Participants with mobility issues may pass the security door at the end of visitors’ hall and take elevator to second floor, provided they have communicated it to the secretariat in advance. (Click on map).
- Please note that all sessions of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be on webcast.
- No Secondary Access Pass is required to access the SDG Action Segment sessions held in the afternoon of 30 January or side-events.