The Compact will be a key outcome of the Generation Equality Forum, which is a civil society-centred, multi-stakeholder global gathering for gender equality and women’s rights, convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France in partnership with civil society. It is being organized 25 years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and 20 years after the landmark UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.
Women’s participation is vital for effective efforts towards prevention, crisis response, recovery, conflict resolution and sustainable peace. Commitments on protecting women’s rights and making women’s participation in peace, security and humanitarian action meaningful and sustained remain unfulfilled. As the world continues to be mired in conflict and humanitarian needs caused by violence, climate change, natural disasters and pandemics, among others, there is urgency for transformative action to ensure full implementation of the women, peace and security agenda and humanitarian action commitments.
The Compact will take an inter-generational, inclusive approach to bring together Member States, civil society, international organizations, the private sector and other stakeholders. These actors will, together, enhance the implementation of financial and political commitments and responsibilities on women, peace and security and humanitarian action through monitoring and accountability efforts. The Compact will also utilize existing coordination mechanisms, as well as relevant UN peace and security processes.
The Compact will complement and establish synergies with the six Generation Equality Action Coalitions that will be launched at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris in 2021 to advance gender equality and women’s rights in key thematic areas.
The development of the Compact will be informed by broad stakeholder engagement and consultations to ensure that existing global and regional processes are harnessed for national and local engagement and action. Additional details on the process will be shared in July 2020.
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