AVPN: Nominations for the 2024 Yidan Prize

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Each prize is HK$30 million (~US$3.8 million), including three years of project funding. Half is a cash prize to recognize the laureates’ contributions to education; the other half is a project fund. As part of the nomination, we’ll want to learn how nominees plan to use the project fund to amplify their work.

Our step-by-step guide shows you how to make a strong nomination. You can download our guide from our website in EnglishFrenchSimplified ChineseSpanish, and Portuguese.

Nominations are open until 31 March 2024 (12 noon HKT, GMT+8)—but the sooner you get started, the better.

The highest accolade in education

We recognize the brightest minds in education and build a community around them. A community that promotes collaboration, shares what works, and is as strong in research and testing as it is in practical application. That's why our prizes span two areas:


Education Research
The theory of learning—science, psychology, statistics—that can help educators gain a more methodical understanding of their approaches.


Education Development
The practice of learning—new methods, ways to make education more widespread—so we can champion techniques that work.


Each year, we award our laureates a gold medal, a cash prize of HK$15 million (shared equally for teams), and a project fund of HK$15 million to help them scale up their work.


We welcome all nominations; our process is open to everyone. You don’t need to be invited to nominate a team or individual for either the Education Research or Education Development prize.


Find out more about making a nomination for the Yidan Prize.

Our independent Judging Committee

Our judges put the 'prize' into Yidan Prize Foundation: they go through each nomination carefully, analyze the entries, and decide on our laureates. There are two panels—one for each prize—both overseen by our Chairman.



The highest accolade in education

We recognize the brightest minds in education and build a community around them. A community that promotes collaboration, shares what works, and is as strong in research and testing as it is in practical application. That's why our prizes span two areas:


Education Research
The theory of learning—science, psychology, statistics—that can help educators gain a more methodical understanding of their approaches.


Education Development
The practice of learning—new methods, ways to make education more widespread—so we can champion techniques that work.


Each year, we award our laureates a gold medal, a cash prize of HK$15 million (shared equally for teams), and a project fund of HK$15 million to help them scale up their work.


We welcome all nominations; our process is open to everyone. You don’t need to be invited to nominate a team or individual for either the Education Research or Education Development prize.


Find out more about making a nomination for the Yidan Prize.

Our independent Judging Committee

Our judges put the 'prize' into Yidan Prize Foundation: they go through each nomination carefully, analyze the entries, and decide on our laureates. There are two panels—one for each prize—both overseen by our Chairman.

Where learning flourishes, so does society.
We’re a global foundation committed to creating a better world through education. We established the Yidan Prize in 2016 to champion the changemakers making that possible. We know from decades of research that education leads to people living safer, healthier, longer lives. Every intervention that improves access to quality education builds a better world. To meet our goals then, we need to find the most effective ideas, and spread them far and wide.
For any inquiries related to nominations, please contact nomination@yidanprize.org.
Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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