Time: 17:00-19:00 JST (in-person and online)
The forum will feature speakers from UNU-IAS; ProSPER.Net member universities; UNESCO; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT); Ministry of the Environment of Japan; and Sophia University.
To attend the event in person, please register in advance. To participate online, please register to receive a Zoom link.
Please note that participants in UNU events may appear in photography, screen captures, videos, and/or audio. For further information please refer to Events.
For more information, view the event flyer for the ProSPER.Net Sustainability Forum here, and learn more about the UN Weeks at Sophia University event here (English / Japanese).
Sophia University UN Weeks, started in 2014 based on the idea “to consider the world and our future through the work of the UN,” is now approaching its 20th anniversary. We plan many events both in person and online in a HyFlex format in order to reach out to a wider audience.
We will welcome a diverse group of internationally renowned guests to cover a broad range of topics, including AI, humanitarian aid, education, as well as the environment. High school / college students as well as working adults are welcome to join anytime that works the best.
Registration for U.N Weeks, click here
For more info please see the flyer or visit following URL: