GCE is excited to announce the rollout of a two-year youth and students’ advocacy project titled Youth Leadership for Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, starting from July 2023 to June 2025.
The project is funded by the United Nations Democratic Fund (UNDEF-Sixteenth Funding Round).
The vision behind the two-year project is to increase participation of youth and students in national, regional, and global level education policy forums through engagement with national coalitions, capacity building, and deliberate actions to establish coordinated youth and student representation and participation in SDG4 monitoring and review processes. The youth-led project will focus efforts on fostering the inclusive representation, empowerment, and participation of youth and students in Global Campaign for Education’s (GCE) national coalitions and in key advocacy spaces and policy dialogues where the implementation of E2030/SDG4 agenda is discussed.
With the funding received from UNDEF, GCE will work directly with ten youth and student organisations as implementing partners and with the respective national coalitions from the selected countries (Albania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Colombia, Somalia and Burundi). This is to ensure that young people in the focus countries take a leading role in planning and implementing youth-led mobilisation and advocacy actions to defend and promote the right to education within their contexts and the movement broadly.
GCE believes that education policies can be strengthened by encouraging active and meaningful participation of youth-led organisations in the global education architecture and in the decision-making processes. The project is therefore designed to enable GCE to facilitate processes that strengthen the capacity, democratic representation, and broader participation of youth and students so that they become key champions and co-creators in engaging with policy makers, governments, and the international community to promote and defend the human right to education.
A project initiation workshop will take place on Friday, July 28 th, 2023, to officially launch the project and to chart the path towards implementation.