My country, Nepal is a common home for peoples with diverse range of caste, ethnicity, religion, culture and tradition. My house is located in the western Terai Region of Nepal. I spent my whole childhood in the same region and was not exposed to the culture of any other part of Nepal.
After class 10, my parents sent me to the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, home for more than 3 million peoples. Kathmandu is a place where one can find peoples from not only all over Nepal but from all over the world.
When I was sure about the high school that I would be studying, I began living in a hostel nearby. The hostel I lived in consist of students from all over the country. I got to make a lot of friends, a lot of good memories, fun and most importantly, gained information about their culture, their influence, their priorities, their values which are very precious for me and my development as an individual.
I had a lot of friends from the district of Baglung, few hours west of the capital. With them I learned the value of relation and friendship, the spirit of enjoying life, and the importance of ones values. One of them believed that hard work is important for every individual. Another believed that smartness is one should possess. Others were happy living the life with fun and believed that this is the main value one should have. With them, I have learned a lot, about politics, their language, debate, knowledge fun and more. We did hiking, cycling, tours, game night, study night, overnight debates, books sharing, future planning on making this world a better place and a lot of fun.
The friends of the central terai part Nepal were one of the most influential peoples that I have ever met. They were focused on their passion, goals, dreams besides all the fun and enjoyment. They believed that life is a marathon, run slowly and you shall achieve what you dream. They taught me to be more focused on my passion, possess grit and make my goal a marathon. Moreover, they introduced me to delicious foods and recipes they use in their part of the country. They were one of the tastiest foods I have tasted.
I had some friends from Kathmandu region. They had different values just like other friends of mine. They were more focused on the business and economy sector. With them I got know about the Economical foundation of the nation as well as the world. Those friends started a new business of theirs recently and are working on it now.
Living with diverse range of peers has always been interesting, knowledgeable and new for experience. I have learned about a lot of things ranging from their culture, language to their way of doing things differently to their values for life.
I learned that each community is different and unique in their own way and it is always memorable to experience those qualities.
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