14-15 May 2018, Global Social Innovation Wayfinder event in Istanbul
In 2017, we hosted the first Wayfinder in London at a time when social innovation globally was at a crossroads. In some ways, social innovation has achieved a huge amount over the last decade. However, compared to the scale of the social challenges facing the world, this success is marginal. The London Wayfinder explored how we can create large scale, deep and systemic change over the next 10 years.
One year on, some progress has been made, but many of these challenges remain — we need to continue focusing on getting truly multi-sector, prioritizing people and planet, and supporting leadership rich social innovation ecosystems globally. With the support of local, regional and international partners, the Wayfinder is heading to Istanbul, Turkey to dive deeper into these calls of action from the inaugural Wayfinder.
Together, we will explore what more can be done to tackle systemic barriers to systemic change over the next ten years. Istanbul Wayfinder will build on two calls to action from London: multi-sector collaborations for systemic change, inspired by the SDGs, and building regional social innovation ecosystems over the next decade.
We are inviting a select group of 150 innovators, experts, and entrepreneurs from around the world and across Turkey, who have played, and will continue to play, a critical role in building the social innovation field.
This Wayfinder is being curated by the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), powered by Zorlu Holding, in partnership with imece, UNDP Regional Hub Istanbul, S360, and ATÖLYE. As we embark on a shared global learning experience for two days, our partners will specifically be listening and learning to help inform a regional social innovation hub Istanbul — a unique historical crossroads of trade, information, culture and business flows between east and west.
This event builds on the first Wayfinder SIX hosted in February 2017 in London that was hosted in partnership with Nesta, UNDP, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, the McConnell Foundation, and the Social Innovation Generation (SiG).
This event is invite only. However if you would like to find out more information, please contact jordan.junge@socialinnovationexchange.org
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