Today is world happiness day

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The Scandinavian countries are always on the top of the World Happiness Ranking…


Here the ranking:

Ranking of Happiness

  1. Norway
  2. Denmark
  3. Iceland
  4. Switzerland
  5. Finland
  6. Netherlands
  7. Canada
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden





The first World Happiness Report was published in April, 2012, in support of the UN High Level Meeting on happiness and well-being. Since then the world has come a long way. Increasingly, happiness is considered to be the proper measure of social progress and the goal of public policy. Now on the International Day of Happiness, March 20th, we launch the World Happiness Report 2017, once again back at the United Nations, again published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and now supported by a generous three-year grant from the Ernesto Illy Foundation.


Six key variable to measure the level of happiness


Income, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on in times of trouble, generosity, freedom and trust, with the latter measured by the absence of corruption in business and government


Find here the Executive Summary

  • First report published in 2012
  • Norway wins the first spot in 2017 ranking, showing a high level of “maturity” in managing natural resources (oil) as it showed resilience and continuous investments despite the low prices of oil worldwide
  • Happiness is both social and personal
  • Chinese are not happier than 25 years ago

Find the full report here

History of Happiness Development Initiatives:



Other interesting resources that includes:

 the OECD Guidelines on measuring subjective Wellbeing: (

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):



Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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