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Photos: picture-alliance / Photoshot / Agung Kuncahya B.; picture-alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS / Joseph Odelyn; picture-alliance / Suvra Kanti Das / ABACA
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Photos: Photos: picture-alliance / dpa / Diego Azubel; picture-alliance / REUTERS / Luis Echeverria
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OUR MOTTO IS: "Sustainable development requires global awareness and local action."

Humankind's collective future depends on sustainable development. We must eliminate poverty, but at the same time protect the natural environment. On this platform, we discuss what needs to happen at local and national levels, and what international cooperation must contribute to bringing it about. What we publish is pertinent to how the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be achieved.

www.DandC.eu is thus a website that focuses on international development and explores how it relates to other fields of policy-making, such as security, peace, trade, business, public health and education. D+C stands for Development and Cooperation. We publish in two languages. The German version is E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit.

We invite people who work in different sectors and live all around the world to contribute to D+C/E+Z. After editing manuscripts according to journalistic standards, we ask the authors to approve the final manuscript before publishing their items, ensuring that no mistakes or misunderstandings have crept in. As we edit interviews for clarity and brevity, we also ask our interviewees for approval of the final manuscripts to ensure we do not distort their message. That is standard practice in German journalism.

We specialise in opinion journalism and analytical essays. Anyone who wishes to express views on our platform is welcome to send a proposal to the editorial team. We are particularly interested in contributions from developing countries and emerging markets because the dominant global media do not pay them the attention needed. The views expressed by our contributors are not necessarily those of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL or the editorial team of D+C/E+Z.

Our contributors come from all over the world and work in different sectors. On Mondays, our Nowadays column offers insights into the daily life of different countries around the world. We publish at least six new articles per week and take a break on Saturdays.

The website shares the name D+C/E+Z with our print magazine, which is published every two months, and a monthly e-paper. The e-paper compiles the articles published in the course of 30 days, though some appear in the e-paper before they are posted on the website. The print issue only includes a selection of the website's content.

All versions - website, print issue and e-paper - are funded by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and published on behalf of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL. Our mission is not to serve as a governmental mouthpiece, but to provide a credible forum for debate, involving government agencies, civil society, the private sector and academia at an international level. D+C and E+Z share the same content, though some contributions only appear in English. 

Provided that they indicate the original source, third parties have the permission to republish in complete or abridged versions the manuscripts published by D+C Development and Cooperation and E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. However, those who do so are requested to send the editorial office two hard copies and/or the links to the respective webpages. This general permission does not apply to illustrations, maps and other items with explicitly and separately marked copyright disclaimers.

The editors request that no unsolicited manuscripts be sent, but proposals for contributions are welcome.

D+C Development and Cooperation is prodcuced on behalf of
Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen
Media affairs: Petra Gohr-Guder
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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About Us

The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...


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Toward the Volunteering Inspired Society.