https://www.un.org/en/observances/youth-dayIntergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages
the objective of International Youth Day 2022 is to amplify the message that action is needed across all generations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and leave no one behind. It will also raise awareness on certain barriers to intergenerational solidarity, notably ageism, which impacts young and old persons, while having detrimental effects on society as a whole.
Ageism is an insidious and often an unaddressed issue in health, human rights and development, and has bearings on both older and younger populations around the world. In addition, ageism regularly intersects with other forms of bias (such as racism and sexism) and impacts people in ways that prevent them to reach their full potential and comprehensively contribute to their community.
The Global Report on Ageism launched by the United Nations in March 2021 highlights that despite lack of research, young people continue to report age-related barriers in various spheres of their lives such as employment, political participation, health and justice. The report also identifies intergenerational interventions as one of the three key strategies to address ageism. Intergenerational activities can also lead to a greater sense of social connectedness and strengthen intergenerational solidarity.
Solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development. As we navigate the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important to recognize and address these age-related barriers to “build back better” in a manner that leverages all generations’ strengths and knowledge.
Be Seen, Be Heard campaign
Building on the successful launch of the Be Seen, Be Heard campaign in May, the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth invites you to join us throughout August by celebrating youth leadership, amplifying young voices in public life, and raising awareness around the importance of meaningful youth representation and intergenerational collaboration in decision-making spaces around the world. #YouthDay, #BeSeenBeHeard and tag @UNYouthEnvoy
More Events
A variety of exciting activations and engagements are also scheduled throughout the remainder of the month, and you are encouraged to engage:
- Share the suite of new social media assets: Check out our full social media toolkit for International Youth Day 2022.
- Participate in the “Celebrating Young Leaders” video challenge: Join the conversation on Instagram Reels and TikTok.
- Follow our Instagram Live: Join the the Envoy on Youth (@unyouthenvoy) and Follow live on 11 August at 3:00 pm PDT/6:00 pm EDT
- Tune-in to our BBC World: Africa in Focus segment: The Envoy on Youth will join BBC World to host a portion of their Africa in Focus radio segment on the occasion of International Youth Day. Follow live on 12 August at 1:00 pm EDT/6:00 pm BST.
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