The Asian Decade
Asia is a vast sprawling continent encompassing some of the world’s wealthiest and poorest countries and yet its most intractable challenges cross all boundaries: Climate Action, Gender, Health & Nutrition and Economic Opportunities. If we are to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, then the next decade must be the Asian Decade of social investment, an opportunity for social investors - from philanthropists to investors, corporates to policymakers, intermediaries to entrepreneurs - to take advantage of the fluid developments in the region and unlock its full potential in the next decade. What are the big shifts and changes that AVPN and our members must respond to?the decade ahead.
Over 6 plenaries, 42 breakout sessions, workshops, networking experiences and small group sessions, the AVPN Global Conference 2022 agenda will provide a deep-dive into the cross-cutting thematic areas that represent the most pressing challenges in the region. These will include:
Climate Action
Health & Nutrition
Economic Opportunities
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