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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
  • Three mediums to choose from: TEXT, VIDEO, PHOTO
  • A way to express your ideas, reflections and expertise, on social issues and broader development and society at large
  • You do not need to be an expert but just passionate about what you share

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The societies world over are a repressed lot. We are not comfortable discussing our bodies. We are not comfortable with and in our bodies.


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The recent Nepal elections provide a great deal of hope for moving the country forward. Most importantly, this election gives citizens the right to elect their leaders showing democracy in action especially because this is only the second election since the “People’s War” ended in 2006. Hope, which can always be found, no matter one’s circumstances, enables us to dream about the possibilities


The Power of Partnering

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December 1 is World AIDS Day (WAD) with a Theme of, “Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths”; December 3 is World Disability Day (WDD), “Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all”; December 5 is Int'l Volunteer Day. Let's collaborate, celebrate and work together for full human rights

Women's Participation: Will the Rhetoric Become a Reality by Cath Nixon, VSO Health Volunteer

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The 2007 Interim Constitution brought about hope for women in Nepal. Today, in light of the elections for a new Constitutional Assembly we can look forward to what hope the future holds.

Teacher Pitambar Subedi - Views on Teaching

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A primer on teaching from a Nepali teacher


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Why is it difficult for us to express kindness without being faced with a catastrophe. Shouldn't Kindness be unconditional ?

Why? How Do We Wake Ourselves Up? Please Comment

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Imagine a world in which people really want to help one another, open their wallets and are kind to others. What a different world we would live in if there was no poverty, everyone had food security and a roof over their heads, a job, full human rights no matter where they live and were able to be educated with no child labor.


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The Northeastern part of India has been discriminated against for a long time. If the nation has to progress, it can't afford to leave the eight Northeastern states out of it's development agenda.

Understanding the context – exploring the relationship between migratory patterns and volunteering

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Recent fieldwork in the Hills and Terai region has highlighted the complexity of issues facing communities and the education system in Nepal. Here, I focus on one of these challenges, migration, and look at how volunteering operates in a complex terrain, and how it can be responsive to a society which is in constant flux, and grappling with the varied needs of an extremely diverse population.

Eternal Sign of a Spotted Mind

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Courtsey: www.startyourbusiness.com
Relationships are meant to to be cherished and give a sense of belonging. We humans so to say are best at it when compared to other species. However what we think and how we represent it makes all the difference.

Human trafficking: a social violence

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The article is an attempt to highlight the major cause of human trafficking in Nepal. It also outlined the existing situation of girl trafficking and hinted measures that will play a significant role in curbing such violence that has taken its toll in the country like ours.

Creating Collaborations among Volunteerism Promoting Agencies: The Way Forward

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International Day of Volunteerism is coming and it's a great opportunity. The volunteering sector in the country reflects the wider development sector: not enough coordination, too many prima donnas like ineffective football teams full of champions all playing for themselves rather than the team. Still there are quite a few ways to initiate a common front to promote volunteerism in the country.

Nepal's Elections

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I'm so hoping, along with many others that an election is held on November 19 and that Nepalis can continue to set their own development agenda.
