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Latest Sharings

Child labour rises to 160 million – first increase in two decades

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NEW YORK/GENEVA, 10 June 2021 – The number of children in child labour has risen to 160 million worldwide – an increase of 8.4 million children in the last four years – with millions more at risk due to the impacts of COVID-19, according to a new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF.


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The KidsRights Index is the first and the only global ranking that annually measures how children’s rights are respected worldwide and to what extent countries are committed to improving the rights of children.

Recruiting persons with disabilities to serve as UN Volunteers

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The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is pleased to announce the recruitment of persons with disabilities for UN Volunteer assignments funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). UNV will be deploying 50 candidates with disabilities as national UN Volunteer specialists in 37 countries across the world.

World Sustainability Summit (India)

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The summit is being organized by The Policy Times and several partners, including recyclean.in

UNDESA World Social Report 2021

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The World Social Report 2021, a flagship publication of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) on major social development issues offers new strategies to ensure that the 3.4 billion people who live in rural areas are not left behind as global efforts focus on boosting socio-economic growth and tackling climate change in the middle of the COVID-19 recovery.

The Business Role in Creating a 21st-Century Social Contract (BSR)

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How the Private Sector Can Support Economic Prosperity and Social Mobility Through a New Social Contract

21st Century Social Contract: Building more inclusive state-society relations through volunteering (UNV)

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The online dialogue on the “21st Century Social Contract: Building more inclusive state-society relations through volunteering” is taking place on 14 June 2021, 09:00-10:00 am EST or 3:00-4:00 pm CEST.

Launch of the 2021 Sustainable Development Report

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June 14, 2021 | 08:00 - 09:00am EDT. The annual Sustainable Development Report (SDR) tracks progress on the SDGs and analyzes key issues in sustainable development.

“I Must Work to Eat” Covid-19, Poverty, and Child Labor in Ghana, Nepal, and Uganda (HRW)

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The study looks at how vulnerable children from three countries that are member of the Pathfinders Initiative to fight child labor have been impacted by the pandemic and how social protection initiatives, in particular cash grants, can make the difference.

Webinar: Sports Entrepreneurship - A Practical Guide

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Join World Learning for a webinar on how to become better sports entrepreneurs, either in professional or amateur sports. When: 10 June, 10:30 AM EST

Worsening soil pollution threatens future food production and ecosystems, FAO-UNEP

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Joint report reveals soil pollution as one of the world’s major challenges for ecosystem restoration

G7 economies could lose 8.5% per year by 2050 without more ambitious climate action (OXFAM)

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The economies of the G7 nations could see an average loss of 8.5 percent annually by 2050 ―equivalent to $4.8 trillion― if leaders do not take more ambitious action to tackle climate change, according to Oxfam’s analysis of research by the Swiss Re Institute. Oxfam is calling on G7 leaders, who are meeting in the UK later this week, to cut carbon emissions more quickly and steeply.

Economic empowerment of rural women positively impacts social norms and strengthens food security

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ROME- Economic empowerment of rural women as farmers, entrepreneurs and leaders contributes towards alleviating poverty, increasing food security and achieving gender equality. These findings, based on an evaluation of a six-year multi-agency global initiative implemented in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Nepal, Niger, and Rwanda, were shared at a high-level event in Rome.

Pandemic used as cover to further suppress civic space and silence critics (FROM IDS)

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Autocratic behaviour surged and democratic freedoms were excessively restricted during the pandemic last year – that is the finding of a new IDS study monitoring civic space in Mozambique, Nigeria, and Pakistan.

Regional Meeting for the Asia-Pacific on the “City and Transport: Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability”

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The meeting will take place from 09 to 10 June 2021.The high-level meeting will provide a platform for the exchange of regional and global best practices which address sustainable urban transport systems in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 3, 11 and 13).

The Other Infrastructure Gap: Sustainability – Human Rights and Environmental Perspectives (published jointly with the Heinrich Boell Foundation)

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Mega-infrastructure plans and financing and investment policies to promote private investments in the energy, transport and water sectors are on the rise. This publication provides recommendations to policy- and decision-makers on how human rights and environmental benefits can be maximized and risks avoided or mitigated, for the sake of sustainable development.

Legacy Landscapes Fund to provide long-term funding for globally significant protected areas

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This unique fund brings together public and private donors for a common goal: better protection of nature in order to safeguard some of the most important areas on earth, including natural World Heritage sites.

New UN declaration calls for the development of a new plastic pollution treaty

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NEW YORK, June 1 - WWF welcomes the launch today of the Ocean Day Plastic Pollution Declaration, now endorsed by 74 countries, which calls for negotiations to commence on a new legally binding agreement to combat plastic pollution.
