I recently watched the highly controversial movie, The Interview. This movie is rather juvenile and silly, somewhat pedantic; about a proposed murder plot of North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, by some idiotic interview host. The actor playing Kim is probably very similar to the real leader, in his actions, his words, showing a soft side, but ultimately showing his psychotic, paranoid nature. The CIA gets involved through a bombshell, you can predict what happens. There is even a puppy.
On some level I can imagine the upset of the North Korean regime as there probably is some truth to the tale. However, there have been many movies made about assassinating an American presidents. What this comes down to is free speech, expression, etc. From what I know of North Korea it is a closed society. (In the movie the North Korean people are told that Kim is a god and does not have a butthole, I wonder if this is true?) Most likely there are few freedoms for people.
The interviewer, James Franco, is taken in by Kim Jong Un's sincerity; the two play some basketball, Kim even gives James a puppy. But through a major outburst and a fake grocery store, Franco starts to understand Kim's psychotic nature and during the actual interview digresses from the script, causing Kim to "kill" him in front of a worldwide audience.
The ending is purely "Hollywood", the good guys come out on top.
The movie though does showcase very different realities. Nobody is really every free as we are all accountable, however there are different levels of freedom and this is what the movie, although fiction is about.
Don't spend a lot of money going to a theatre, instead download or watch through your local cable company.
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