Micro Text Sharing

Learners with Special Needs in our classrooms
Identifying learners with Sepecial Needs in classrooms
- Gifted and talented learners
- Finish the teachers work within a very short time
- Gets everything correct
- Ask complicated questions some of which may not be related to the lesson
- May start doing another activity after finishing work given
- Asking to go out within the lesson
- May be bored and show little interest in the lesson
- Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties
- Stays out of class during this particular lesson
- Does not do all the work given
- Bored most of the time
- Little or no interest in answering the teacher’s oral questions
- Gets most of the work given wrong
- May avoid coming to school if this lesson appears the first one on the days schedule
- May not like or always avoid the subject teacher
- Withdrawn and feels out of place
- Frequently looks at his/her watch
- Hearing and vision problem
- Prefer to sit at a certain position in classroom
- Some have squinted eyes
- Hold the ear in order to hear well
- Holds the book too close or too far from the eyes
- Talks too loud
- Stumbles on desks and on other objects
- Straining to look at the blackboard/whiteboard
- Itchy red eyes
- Discharge from the ear or eyes
- Lack of balance while walking
- Omitting some words or skipping lines while reading or writing.
- Moves the head along as they read
- Withdraw from a conversation
- Speech problem(Starters and stammers)
- They shy away from answering questions
- May prefer to use sign or body language to speech
- May deliberately refuse to answer oral questions
- May be confused for being rude
- Shake or close the eyes before starting to talk.
- May talk very fast before they get stuck with their speech.
- Physically challenged
- Lack balance while walking
- Stumbles on objects
- Falls down easily
- Fears playing with others
- Too big head (Hydrocephalus)or too small head
- Lacking some limbs eg hand, leg, fingers
- Mentally challenged
- Drooling
- Fidgeting
- Hallucinating
- Hyperactive or hypoactive
- May eat a lot of food
- Love for certain colors
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