Why a universal job guarantee beats the basic income pipe dream (From the Conversation) by Daniel Tsai Lecturer in Business and Law, Toronto Metropolitan University

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With the current cost-of-living crisis resulting in dramatic inflation, higher interest rates and a looming recession, people have been searching for solutions to the economic crisis. A universal job guarantee may just be the answer we’re looking for, especially since Canada lost 43,000 jobs in June.

While most people are familiar with the idea of a universal basic income — the notion of giving every citizen a basic income, irrespective of their income level or need — few are familiar with the idea of a universal job guarantee.


Daniel Tsai

Lecturer in Business and Law, Toronto Metropolitan University

Daniel is a lawyer, management consultant, educator, columnist, and the author of two books: Law, Technology and Culture and the Business of Social Media and Entertainment (Toronto: Top Hat, 2022). Daniel has worked with a number of TSXV listed companies, national and multinational companies, private businesses and entrepreneurs. Daniel is an award winning teacher and has a teaching certificate from the University of Cambridge. Daniel has taught at leading schools, including Osgoode Hall Law School, University of Calgary Faculty of Law, Queen's University Smith School of Business, and the University of Toronto.

As a columnist, Daniel has written on business, public policy, and legal issues for the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Postmedia, The Hill Times, The Advocate, and the Lawyer's Weekly, and legal texts. Daniel is frequently cited on business, law, technology and consumer issues by the CBC, Global News, CP24, Bell Media, Radio Canada (French), Ming Pao (Chinese), and other news media. Daniel has won prestigious academic awards for his legal scholarship and writing, including the JSD Tory Writing Award for Legal Writing and Research, the BB Dubienski Memorial Scholarship, and the Nathanson Fellowship at Osgoode Hall Law School. As a senior policy advisor in the Canadian government recruited under the elite Recruiting Policy Leaders (RPL) Program, Daniel wrote new Canadian laws and advised senior government officials on intellectual property law reform.

With MBA degrees from Cornell University and Queen's University, and JD and LLM degrees in law (specializing in tax law and technology law), Daniel can apply his extensive business and legal knowledge, experience, strategic insights, and skills to help overcome your organization's challenges and exceed your goals. Daniel's research interests include technology law, intellectual property, tax, artificial intelligence, marketing, retail, business ethics, behavioural economics, psychology, political science, strategy and business law.

Daniel has studied French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German and Chinese, scoring in the top decile on Harvard's Modern Languages Aptitude Test (MLAT).



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