Unpacking the CSDDD: responsibility, climate and justice (4 october, 2023)

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As trilogue negotiations on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) gain momentum, numerous critical issues remain under discussionThe clock is ticking for the EU to bolster corporate accountability. This timely conference will bring together affected rightsholders from the Global South, practitioners, policymakers and business representatives to discuss what’s key for the directive to effectively protect human rights, tackle environmental and climate impacts and ensure justice for affected workers and communities.

Panel discussions

  • Panel 1 – From words to action: making due diligence truly effective: this discussion will explore risks and potentials of Sector Initiatives and audits, uncovering how companies can best meet their obligations outlined in the EU directive, as well as sharing lessons learned from existing practices. 
  • Panel 2 – The green mandate: CSDDD’s role in protecting our planet: speakers will examine the responsibility of companies in the transition to more sustainable societies, and how the CSDDD should effectively tackle climate and environmental issues. 
  • Panel 3 – Guaranteeing justice: victims’ right to remedy: the debate will promote ways to ensure that justice is accessible, affordable, and efficient for all victims of corporate abuse – one of the key objectives of the Directive. 

Tentative programme

10:30 – 10:35   Welcome 

10:35 – 10:45   Keynote speech by Mirtha Vásquez, former Prime Minister of Peru and lawyer-advocate representing communities struggling against the adverse impacts of mining 

10:45 – 11:30   Panel 1: From words to action: making due diligence truly effective 

  • Confirmed speaker: Danilo Chammas – Human rights lawyer, representing people from Brumadinho, Brazil

11:30 – 12:15   Panel 2: The green mandate: CSDDD’s role in protecting our planet 

12:15 – 12:55   Panel 3: Guaranteeing justice: victims’ right to remedy 

  • Confirmed speaker: Maxwell Atuhura – Human rights defender  

12:55 – 13:00   Closure 

13:00 – 14:00   Networking lunch 


  • When: 11 October, 10:30 – 14:00 CEST, including networking lunch 
  • Where: Press Club Brussels Europe and online (link coming out soon!) 
  • Programme here 
  • Register here! 


This event is organised by The European Coalition for Corporate Justice; co-hosted by Frank Bold, Friends of the Earth Europe and Justice is Everybody’s Business



Who we are

The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) is the largest civil society network devoted to corporate accountability, gathering more than 480 NGOs, trade unions and academic institutions throughout Europe to develop a common vision and approach to the issue. ECCJ currently has 20 members including national coalitions, national chapters from Amnesty International and Oxfam, and international organisations like Friends of the Earth Europe and FIDH. We draw on their expertise and experience and provide a united voice.


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