Ashoka presents its global study of systems-changing social entrepreneurs. This study presents the 11 strategies Ashoka Fellows use to build a world of changemakers
The Report
Every three years, Ashoka conducts a study to understand how its Fellows are driving lasting social change. In 2021, we quantified how Ashoka Fellows shift mindsets, change policies, and activate others as changemakers.
A total of 817 Ashoka Fellows participated in the global survey and 32 Fellows participated in in-depth interviews. The methodology, analysis, and data collection have been co-led by a team from Tyresia, the Business School of Polytechnic of Milan and the Ashoka Impact and Evidence Team.
Here are some of the key findings of the 2021 survey of Ashoka Fellows, representing one of the largest studies of systems-changing social entrepreneurs globally.
Ashoka Fellows Build an Everyone a Changemaker™ World
The report has drawn out the 11 "how-tos" used by Ashoka Fellows to activate people as contributors and solution-providers in their communities:
Ashoka Fellows inspire individuals to become changemakers
Strategy 1: Create opportunities for many individuals to contribute. In addition to creating employment (95% of Ashoka Fellows) and volunteer opportunities (87%), many Fellows recognize that it is time for a fundamental shift especially in the role of young people. 89% of Fellows are putting young people in charge of leading change within their organizations.
Strategy 2: Encourage individuals to believe in their own capacity. By encouraging problem-solving on even a small scale, Ashoka Fellows expand others’ sense of agency. Giving a person the opportunity to take action and make a difference–no matter how small–sets in motion a long-term commitment to changemaking.
Strategy 3: Redefine “weaknesses” as strengths. Interview data showed that Ashoka Fellows take stock of people’s skills and invite them to put these to good use. Further, they look at what broader society may perceive as weakness and find strength, leveraging diverse experiences or skills to drive positive change.
Strategy 4: Support changemaker identity development. Ashoka Fellows identity as changemakers sustains their commitment to systems-change work. This identity benefits their communities and professional endeavors as well as their personal development and quality of life. Wanting this for those around them, Ashoka Fellows help others to develop changemaker identities.
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