UNDP Report Launch: Biodiversity and the Business and Human Rights Agenda

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Asia is one of the world's most biodiverse continents, yet ​the region's commitment to achieving the goals articulated in the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework remains unclear. Governments remain focused on economic recovery including in sectors most notable for their impacts on nature: agriculture, extractives and infrastructure. 


The impact of these and other industries on ecosystems is widely studied, yet the linkage to human rights is less well-understood. On 5 June, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the European Union (EU), will launch a report thatexplores the state of ecosystems and biodiversity in Asia and the impacts of biodiversity loss on human rights. The report will also highlight the risks business face as the international regulatory environment evolves to address nature loss, but the opportunities too, for putting nature at the heart of their business development plans.


We invite you to join us at the virtual launch of this vital report on 5 June 2024 at 1:00pm (Bangkok time) / 2:00pm (Singapore time).


During this online event, UNDP experts, business leaders and other speakers will help unpack the linkages between biodiversity and human rights and outline the actions that need to be taken by business leaders.

Asia’s ecosystems and biodiversity are under extraordinary pressure from a variety of sources, many of them related to the drive for rapid economic growth.  

Natural resource and land exploitation, pollution, and climate change are threatening the loss of the continent’s rich biodiversity.  Today, 17 out of 36 global biodiversity hotspots – ecologically-rich areas under threat – are found in Asia.

The drive for development has also led to many Asian countries to fall short on agreed conservation goals, undercutting the ability of our coastlines, riverways, and forests to protect us from extreme weather events in danger. Ecosystems failure and biodiversity loss also put our basic human rights at risk while compounding inequality.

How can businesses contribute to halting and reversing the twin crises of biodiversity loss and ecological degradation, while providing access to fundamental human rights?

With the launch of the report "Asia in Focus: Biodiversity and the Business and Human Rights Agenda," United Nations Development Programme, business leaders and other expert speakers will help us unpack the linkages between biodiversity and human rights, expand on the costs of climate change, and outline the actions that need to be taken.


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