What is Catalytic Capital and why does it matter?
Hear voices from around the world and learn how you can play a role in defining the future of Catalytic Capital in Europe and beyond, as part of EVPA’s new initiative.
With the support of Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3), the global family of EVPA, AVPN, AVPA and Latimpacto is joining forces to increase the use of Catalytic Capital to address the most pressing societal challenges worldwide.
This public e-talk will introduce the concept and its role to foster impactful solutions in Europe and worldwide.
Supported by expertise from our global network bringing on-the-ground perspectives about the role and potential of catalytic capital on four continents.
Alongside an open Q&A, attendees will also learn about the future activities of this global initiative, offering key points of engagement for participants.
Join us and help co-shape the conversation about catalytic capital and understand how the global concept applies to the European context.
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