The Division for Sustainable Development Goals, at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA/DSDG) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) are organizing the 2020 edition of the SDGs Learning, Training & Practice – a series of capacity building and knowledge workshops held at the HLPF, featuring speakers and experts from academia and other sectors on crucial topics related to the implementation of the SDGs under review in 2020.
The 2020 Edition of the SDGs Learning, Training & Practice will feature workshops focusing on enhancing capacity of stakeholders on the six entry points showcased in the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR):
- Human well-being and capabilities
- Sustainable and just economies
- Food systems and nutrition patterns
- Energy decarbonization and universal access
- Urban and peri-urban development
- Global environmental commons
Additionally, the 2020 SDG Learning, Training and Practice will include sessions focusing on strengthening capacity and promoting partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals.
The 2020 SDGs Learning, Training & Practice workshops aim to advance:
- Knowledge and skills acquisition
- Networking
- Sharing experiences and peer to peer collaboration
- Learning about practical actions and best practices
- Capacity building
- Practical policy integration and coherence
Thematic focus
Sessions will cover themes and issues directly relevant to supporting countries and other stakeholders in addressing the six entry points of the 2019 GSDR report as well as the promotion of partnerships.
Additionally, sessions are expected to directly contribute to the implementation of the Decade of Action to Deliver the SDGs, focusing on concrete experiences that 1) Mobilize all stakeholders and promote solutions to leave no one behind; 2) Present tools and methodologies that support follow up and review of SDG implementation and 3) Present sustainable innovations, financial investment and access to technologies as well as bring community experiences, including from youth.
Webcast of the courses as well as all training material shared by organizers, including, as appropriate, online modules, will be made available online at the HLPF website. A summary report will be produced by DESA and UNITAR.
Selection criteria and deadline
Accredited and registered entities to the 2020 United Nations High Level Political Forum interested in organizing a SDGs Learning, Training & Practice session during may submit one workshop proposal.
Only submissions from Government entities and organizations accredited to participate in the HLPF will be considered. For guidelines on accreditation to participate at the HLPF, please visit here.
The selection of the courses will be based on their merit, relevance to the HLPF theme and focus of the 2020 SDG Learning, Practice and Training priority (as indicated above), expertise of the organizers, and willingness to produce the desired output. There is no fee for submission or approval of proposed courses.
Efforts will be undertaken to accommodate as many proposals as possible within the limitations of timeslots available. However, in the event that a high number of proposals are received, some submissions addressing similar themes might be grouped in the same session. Organizers will be notified accordingly. Additionally, only one course proposal will be considered per organization.
Deadline for submission of proposals was 22 April 2020. Selected course proposals will be notified before the end of May 2020.
For information on previous editions of the HLPF SDGs Learning, Training and Practice, please visit here for more details, including course programmes and materials or here for the full report on the 2019 edition.
Mr. Pelayo Alvarez
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Ms. Naiara Costa
Senior Sustainable Development Officer
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