S4G Looking for Intern-On Line Analyst and Social Marketing Intern

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 Position: On Line Analyst and Social Marketing Intern

 Areas: As an integral part of s4g's team, the intern will be mobilized  for the following purposes: 1) Data and Readership Analysis  2) Lead social marketing and customer service efforts:


 I: Lead social marketing and customer service efforts

Draft a concept note on possible ways to carry out social marketing. The concept will outline a draft strategy that will provide for systematic approach to web marketing and social media that will include the following:

·         Daily Update s4g's Facebook page and any other social media platforms

·         Actively tailoring s4g for web site searches

·         post comments on likeminded web sites, feeding web traffic towards articles of s4g

·         Design a standard web based e-mail based newsletter system

·         Compile a Comprehensive data base of  potential readers & Sharers

·         Proactively track and engage readers through mobilization of web marketing techniques

·         Proactively search for and identify new contributors with first focus in the South Asian Region

·         Complete a comparative analysis of like- minded web sites including India in the South Asian Region.

·         Help develop S4G business plan

 II: Designing:

·         Design the S4G logo  and business cards

·         Design online Monthly Letter design and format.


Working Modality:

On remote, flexible mode

For Further Information contact:

pragya mishra <pragyamishra@yahoo.com>; Simone (simone_engage@yahoo.com)


Position: Lover of Life-Change Agent

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