A call to action to change our world.
The 2030 Agenda sets out a vision of peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence.
This vision is fully integrated into the 2030 Agenda. SDG16+ includes 12 targets from SDG16 and 24 targets from seven other goals that directly measure an aspect of peace, justice and inclusion.
These targets are universal, with all countries facing challenges in their implementation, but they are especially important to reaching the people, countries, and communities at risk of being left behind.
The first four years of the 2030 Agenda have seen important progress on the achievement of the SDG16+ targets, but their full delivery requires greater ambition.
More than half a million people die from violence each year. Half of the world’s children and at least a third of women are victims of violence. Child marriage, female genital mutilation, modern slavery, and other abuses remain commonplace. People living in conflict-affected countries are confronted by multiple obstacles that block the path towards a durable peace and sustainable development.
More than five billion people – two-thirds of the world’s population – lack access to justice. At any one time, 1.5 billion people have justice problems that they cannot resolve, while more than a billion people lack legal identity.
Corruption and illicit financial and arms flows threaten societies and economies, undermining democracy and the rule of law. No country can build a just society without doing more to protect human rights and to empower women and girls.
Poor governance is a threat to the delivery of all dimensions of the 2030 Agenda. We cannot achieve our goals for people, planet, prosperity, and peace without effective, accountable, and transparent institutions. Rising inequality and high levels of social, economic, and political exclusion must also be urgently tackled.
The Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies brings together member states, international organizations, major partnerships and networks, civil society, and the private sector.
Through this roadmap, we are working to accelerate implementation of the SDG16+ targets, based on the evidence that demonstrates how a sustained and measurable increase in peace, justice and inclusion can be achieved.
The Pathfinders covers all targets for peaceful, just and inclusive societies, linking the 12 targets from SDG16 to 24 targets from seven other goals that directly measure an aspect of peace, justice or inclusion (SDG16+).