We are glad to make the announcement for the coming online report launch event, Enhancing the Role of Environmental Public Interest Litigation to Advance Environmental Rights in Southeast Asia, on Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 3.00 PM to 04.30 PM (Bangkok time).
“Citizens are one of a nation’s greatest resources for enforcing environmental laws and regulations. They know the country’s land and natural attributes more intimately than a government ever will.”
We are glad to make the announcement for the coming online report launch event, Enhancing the Role of Environmental Public Interest Litigation to Advance Environmental Rights in Southeast Asia, on Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 3.00 PM to 04.30 PM (Bangkok time).
Zoom link for the registration: https://un-org-unep.zoom.us/.../tJEvf...
Webinar format:
- Presentation by the lead author, William “BJ” Schulte
- Reflections and reactions from leading environmental lawyers in the region
- Q&A
Across Southeast Asia, countries have made considerable progress in adopting environmental laws and policies, but these will have little impact if they are not implemented and enforced effectively. This briefing report focuses on environmental public interest litigation as a potentially transformative mechanism that can help communities across Southeast Asia ensure that environmental laws are followed and that the precious ecosystems of the region and the communities that depend on them are protected.