Peoplepowered (Re)learning Democracy book launches this Friday

Full Text Sharing


Event details

Share your questions for the authors when you register, and they may respond to you at the event! We are also opening breakout rooms at the end, allowing you to engage in discussion with the speakers and other attendees.

 Date: Friday, September 13
Time: 11 AM–12:30 PM ET / 3–4:30 PM UTC

  • English with interpretation into Spanish, Portuguese, and French
  • Automatically translated captions available in most languages
  • How to join: 
  • Register on Zoom. A recording will be uploaded and shared with all registrants afterward.

Meet the speakers and authors

Our panel includes democracy experts who are also People Powered members:

The event is this Friday, so register now while spaces are available!


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good