Statement on the UNEP Assessment on Environmental Damage in Gaza

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GENEVA, June 20, 2024 — The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) is deeply alarmed by the findings of the recent UNEP report detailing the extensive environmental damage in Gaza.

South and South-West Asia Policy Dialogue: Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2024 "Boosting affordable and longer-term financing for Governments"

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This policy dialogue, organized by ESCAP, aims to discuss ideas on policy issues and actions to reduce the cost of government borrowing and to increase the supply of long-term capital for development purposes. The discussion will address interconnected issues of macroeconomic prospects, challenges and policy options in the context of South and South-West Asia.

Launch of New Climate Reporting Tools for Enhanced Transparency

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UN Climate Change News, 1 July 2024 – On 28 June 2024, UN Climate Change officially launched its online reporting tools for the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). These tools will enable countries to track crucial climate data and information, from greenhouse gas inventories to progress made implementing their national climate plans, achievements and support.

EU Youth Empowerment Fund through the Global Youth Mobilization launch ‘Open Call’ to empower young people to drive the SGD Agenda

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27 June 2024, Geneva: The European Union and the Big Six Youth Organizations are proud to announce the launch of the 'Open Call’ for applications to the EU Youth Empowerment Fund through the Global Youth Mobilization, a joint initiative aimed at empowering young people to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) locally within their communities.

IFES: Oversight—Toolkit for Political Finance Institutions

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Oversight—Toolkit for Political Finance Institutions has been created to assist public institutions with a mandate to enforce regulations on political party and/or campaign finance.

The 2024 UN RBHR Forum (24-27 September 2024 ​ ​ Bangkok, Thailand)

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The 2024 UN RBHR Forum will convene stakeholders to explore what solutions are still needed to realize access to effective remedy and justice in Asia and the Pacific

Participatory Budget Dialogue by Democratic Society

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Join the Participatory Budget Dialogue on July 4th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM UTC+1, for an online event focusing on democratic infrastructure.

HRW: Australia: Children’s Personal Photos Misused to Power AI Tools

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(Sydney) – Personal photos of Australian children are being used to create powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools without the knowledge or consent of the children or their families, Human Rights Watch said today.

Asia and the Pacific's Climate Bank

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As Asia and the Pacific’s climate bank, ADB is taking a leading role in developing more innovative climate financing solutions to help the region combat climate change.

“Towards Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions” 2024 VNR Labs - 8 to 16 July 2024, New York

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VNR Labs provide an informal platform for experience-sharing and reflection on the VNR process. VNR Labs are organized by various Divisions in DESA and partners from various UN and other entities. Discussions are held under the Chatham House rule.
