Palacký University: Sport for Development and Peace Summer School 2024

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The module Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) introduces participants to the theoretical and practical features of using sports as a tool for starting and facilitating social change. First, a basic introduction to SDP will be provided together with practical sessions showing how specific use of football and movement activities in general can positively affect social inclusion, the building of community and personal development. Specifically, Football3 and Football for Peace methodologies will be presented in practical sessions.

Furthermore, links between SDP and Sustainable Development Goals, as a leading agenda in the contemporary SDP field, will be presented. To elaborate on the different possibilities the SDP brings, specific areas will be discussed including sport and gender, mass media, sporting mega-events or socialization. The weekly programme will include lectures, discussions and practical sessions.


WHEN: 22ND - 26TH JULY 2024
ORGANISER: Palacký University Olomouc Faculty of Physical Culture
FEE: €1250 (a partner discount of 10% available – contact for a discount code)


• introduction to the use of sport as a tool
 for social change
• sport and Sustainable Development Goals
• sport and gender
• sport and mega-events
• practical training in #football3 methodology
 and other practices from the field


Simona Šafaříková, Ph.D. (Palacký University Olomouc)
Arnošt Svoboda, Ph.D. (Palacký University Olomouc)
Ansley Hofmann (Fair Play Point)
Graham Spacey, Ph.D. (inFocus Consulting)


Payment gateway fee 
Administrative fee
Academic programme
Accommodation at our Neředín IV Dormitory - double rooms (or a single room for an extra charge of €70) 
Local accommodation fee
Side events including a day-long trip, Welcome/Farewell Party, and more  
Transport to/from Prague during our class trip
Entrance tickets to sights in the itinerary
Supplies for the lessons
Welcome Pack
Small refreshments during breaks

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good