The name of OMEP comes from the initials of the French name "Organization Mondiale pour l’Éducation Préscolaire", which means the World Organization for Early Childhood Education. OMEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, global organization for pre-school education, active in more than seventy countries with the primary objective of promoting children’s rights in education and supporting activities that improve access to high quality education and childcare for children 0 -8 years. OMEP is represented at the meetings of UNESCO, UNICEF and other international organizations with similar goals.
Greece has been officially represented in OMEP since 1959, when the "National Committee of Greece for Preschool Education" was founded under the no. 1274/59 association statutes of the Court of Athens. Today, OMEP Greece consists of nine Regional Councils and is run by the Executive Committee, which is elected every three years. OMEP Greece, implements various scientific and training actions in the Regional Councils, publishes annually the scientific journal "Investigating the child’s world" as well as books in printed and electronic form, in the fulfillment of its central purpose, which is to defend and promote the rights of the child with particular emphasis on the right to quality education, and consequently the training of teachers and the promotion of scientific pedagogical research.
For more information you can visit OMEP Greece official web site, www.omep.gr and www.worldomep.org as far as World OMEP is concerned.
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