The human cost of the global meat industry

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By Sanne van der Wal Senior Researcher, SOMO

Challenging false, for-profit solutions to the food, climate and ecological crises

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The latest edition of the annual Right to Food and Nutrition WATCH examines the causes, impacts and responses to the food, climate and ecological crises.

DRC: Respecting indigenous peoples’ rights ruled key in fighting climate crisis

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29 July 2024 The forcible eviction of the indigenous Batwa community from their ancestral lands within the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (PNKB) was a violation of their rights by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government, finds the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights in a historic decision.

Opening remarks from Volker Türk at the 2024 Mary Robinson Speaker Series on BHR

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Thursday 12 September 2024, 09:00 New York / 14:00 London / 16:00 Gaza & Kyiv / 19:30 Naypyidaw

CIEL Welcomes US’ Signaling a Change in Global Plastics Treaty Positions

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WASHINGTON, DC, August 14, 2024 — Following a Reuters story announcing the Biden-Harris Administration’s shift to favor production reduction in the ongoing global plastics treaty negotiations, Rachel Radvany, Environmental Health Campaigner at the Center for International Environmental Law issued the following statement:

REINFOREST TRIBUNAL: The rainforest is gone - where did the logging revenues go?

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This and other explosive questions are being investigated by the Rainforest Tribunal of Basel.

The Asia LEDS Partnership Forum 2024: Towards decarbonization in the Asia-Pacific through 2025 NDCs

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20 to 22 August 2024 | By invitation only. The Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Forum (ALP Forum) serves as the premier gathering of country representatives, policymakers, donors, practitioners, and sector experts involved in enabling low-emission, climate-resilient development in the Asia-Pacific and explores synergies and collaboration opportunities to advance climate

Activists Call on President Biden to End the Federal Death Penalty Before Leaving Office

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Published Tuesday, August 13, 2024. A conversation with Death Penalty Action Co-founder and Executive Director Abe Bonowitz.

Delay in EU anti-deforestation law could emit CO2 equivalent to 376 million long-haul flights

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Brussels, July 24 – Postponing enforcement of the European Union’s anti-deforestation law by two years could expose the EU to 300,769 hectares of deforestation. This is equivalent to an estimated 120 megatons of CO2, or 376 million long-haul flights, according to a new analysis by Global Witnes

The Zero Tolerance Initiative

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The Zero Tolerance Initiative is a global coalition led by indigenous peoples, local community representatives and supportive NGOs working collectively to address the root causes of killings and violence against human rights defenders linked to global supply chains.
