International Volunteer Day: blogs on volunteering trends from around the world (Philippines)

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In the penultimate Valuing Volunteering blog to celebrate IVD, researcher Jody Aked reflects on her experiences in the Philippines, where she has seen the importance of looking at volunteers' social networks to really understand the way that they impact on poverty...

Inspiring youth in Uganda toward Volunteerism

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According to this idea, we made an action plan and identified those youth. I coordinated for the orientation, in the orientation we told them about the 16 days campaign, its massage and the importance of the "White Ribbon".

Making Partnerships Work

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As a player and coach I believe that sports is a perfect modality for bringing further inclusion and unity into society

International Volunteer Day: blogs on volunteering trends from around the world (Kenya)

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In the third article for IVD, Valuing Volunteering Researcher Simon Lewis, reflects on the importance of trust, respect and power to volunteer's effectiveness in Kenya

IVD 2013: The Power of Volunteering

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Volunteering is about passion, commitment and determination to do something for a good cause. There are many definitions but ultimately it is up to you to take a stand and do something. Nepal has a great social fabric with millions of people engaged at local level to make their communities a better place to live. Still a national policy could greatly promote and recognize volunteering in Nepal.

All is Forgiven

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Sarah Rosenkrantz is making her first movie. You can help to be part of this.

Borrowing a book from a mobile library: an extraordinary example of soft power through public diplomacy

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Would you ever think that a bus could offer the best example of effective diplomacy? As nations are competing globally to assert themselves, new ways are emerging to create bonds with other countries by putting the average citizen first.
