Lessons on the role of volunteers in the COVID response in the UK: Right volunteers, right place, right time ( by Shaun Delaney, NCVO)

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Shaun is a volunteering development manager at NCVO, explains the experiences of volunteers' mobilization to fight the pandemic: big partecipation; there were issues of coordination; the importance of keeping it local

FROM THE WEF: How the Fourth Industrial Revolution can help us beat COVID-19 BY David Alexander Walcott

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"We must embrace the tools of tomorrow to defend the security of our future, and good leadership is needed now more than ever. The Fourth Industrial Revolution gives us the tools we need to battle this global threat " writes David Alexander Walcott


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This World Environment Day, learn how all living things on Earth are connected in the web of life and how we can act #ForNature

Identifying and mainstreaming women's and girls’ needs in COVID-19 emergency

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Disasters and crisis do not discriminate based on gender. However, their impact is not gender-neutral. The impact of any crisis is affected by our social system, gender roles and individual’s access to and control over resources which are different among individuals and communities. The COVID-19 has impacted and will impact women more significantly making them more vulnerable than at other times.

The 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD)

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The 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) concluded today with a resounding call for countries to revive international cooperation and multi-stakeholder partnerships in tackling the huge socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which threaten to reverse hard-won development gains in the region.


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Oxfam accelerates new strategic changes to its global operations. It aims to maximize impact, shift power south and adapt to financial impact of coronavirus

My Name is Yusuf

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Yusif contracted polio when he was one. He has made many adjustments in being a strong voice for disability rights in Indonesia.

SDG Progress Report 2020( UN Secretary-General): SUMMARY

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The Pandemic is risking to destroy the progress so far achieved in the implementation of the SDGs. The report was released by the UN Secretary General to the Economic Social Council, ECOSOC on 19th of May, 2020

Joining Forces: Effective Policy Solutions for Covid-19 Response

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The Informal Briefing (Monday, 11 May) convened by H.E. Ambassador Mona Juul, President of the Economic and Social Council,provided the latest updates on the UN joint response to the COVID epidemic. The briefing brought together the leadership and expertise of the wider UN system, including the normative and analytical work of the UN specialized agencies, to discuss policy solutions.
