The Women Shaping Impact in Asia-Pacific and North America at the GSG Global Impact Summit 2023

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As the GSG Global Impact Summit: Malaga on 2-3 October draws near, we are proud to highlight our outstanding cohort of women impact leaders who are leading change in the Asia-Pacific and North America regions and beyond.

APHR Board Member Wong Chen on ASEAN's continued inclusion of Myanmar junta in regional military events

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Please find below quotes from APHR Board Member and Malaysian Member of Parliament Wong Chen, responding to the planned ASEAN Air Force Chiefs conference chaired by Myanmar junta Air Force Chief General Htun Aung, as well as the news that ASEAN has invited Myanmar junta representatives to a September security conference and training program in the United States:

DemocracyNext: A Blueprint for the EU Citizens' Assembly

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Our new paper with EUI charts a path toward greater democracy in the European Union

OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS EVENT (September 12, 2023 5:00–6:30 p.m. (EDT)): Multilateralism by the Numbers: What People Want and How to Deliver It

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This event will explore the current health of the multilateral system and identify ways to strengthen inclusive multilateralism for sustainable peace. The discussion will draw on the results of a new global poll by Open Society, which represents the views of more than 5.5 billion people on global priorities, global solidarity, financing for climate

OXFAM: Rich nations paid less than 5 percent of the $53.3 billion East Africa needs to confront the climate crisis

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Published: 30th August 2023 Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan have incurred $7.4bn of livestock losses alone as a result of climate change

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Commission adopts detailed reporting rules for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism's transitional phase

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The European Commission adopted today the rules governing the implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) during its transitional phase, which starts on 1 October of this year and runs until the end of 2025.

European Charter of Local Self-government vital to preserve democracy - Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, President

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Leendert Verbeek, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, today marked the 35th anniversary of the European Charter of Local Self Government with a reminder of its vital importance to democracy.


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31 October - 2 November 2023, hybrid, hosted by RCE Greater Gombak & RCE Greater Kuala Lumpur. The 13th Global RCE Conference will be held in a hybrid format from 31 October - 2 November 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting will be jointly hosted by RCE Greater Gombak and RCE Greater Kuala Lumpur under the theme 'Whole Community Approach for ESD'.

Media Release: IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment

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Invasive Alien Species Pose Major Global Threats to Nature, Economies, Food Security and Human Health Key Role in 60% of Global Plant & Animal Extinctions Annual Costs Now >$423 Billion – Have Quadrupled Every Decade Since 1970 Report Provides Evidence, Tools & Options to Help Governments Achieve Ambitious New Global Goal on Invasive Alien Species

UNU LECTURE, 6TH SEPT, 2023: Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Health: Promises and Challenges

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KUALA LUMPUR: UNU Rector Tshilidzi Marwala will discuss how AI and technology can be harnessed for a sustainable future for all. On 6 September 2023 at 17:00 (UTC+8), UNU-IIGH will host the event, Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Health: Promises and Challenges".
