There is another democratic future beyond broken electoral politics or autocracy, and DemocracyNext wants to help make it a reality. The organization plans to challenge the status quo and bring an alternative democratic future to life. Its mission of DemocracyNext is to build new institutions for the next democratic paradigm of citizen participation, representation and deliberation.
Expert speakers will explore what the next democratic paradigm might look like and how to get there. For a list of panelists and the full agenda, view the registration page.
DemocracyNext is an international non-profit, non-partisan research and action institute. Our mission is to build new institutions for the next democratic paradigm of citizen participation, representation, and deliberation. We want to create a more just, joyful, and collaborative future where everyone has meaningful power to shape their societies.
Join us as we celebrate our official launch on 15 September 2022, the International Day of Democracy.
17.00-17.10 Opening narrative “Imagine living in the next democratic paradigm”
A narrative inviting viewers to imagine living in 2030 and receiving an invitation to serve as a member of a new deliberative democratic institution.
- Claudia Chwalisz, CEO and Founder of DemocracyNext
17.10-17.55 Panel discussion “Next democratic paradigm: How do we get there?”
Why do we need to transition to the next democratic paradigm? What some of its central pillars could be? Where are we now? What can we build on?
- Panthea Lee, Executive Director and Founder of Reboot
- Hélène Landemore, Full Professor of Political Science at Yale University, author of Open Democracy, Strategic Advisor of DemocracyNext
- Brenda Ogembo, Principal Clerk Assistant, Senate Legislative and Procedural Services - Parliament of Kenya
- Art O’Leary, Secretary General to the President of Ireland, former Secretary to the Constitutional Convention
- Baratunde Thurston, writer, comedian, commentator, creator and host of How To Citizen with Baratunde podcast (TBC)
- David Van Reybrouck, cultural historian, archaeologist, and author of Against Elections: The Case for Democracy
- Claudia Chwalisz, CEO and Founder of DemocracyNext
17.55-18.15 Q&A
18.15-18.30 Conclusion and invitation to connect
DemocracyNext’s first projects, main activities, and ways to find out more, work with us, join the community.
- DemocracyNext team: Claudia Chwalisz, Ieva Cesnulaityte, Jon Alexander, Hélène Landemore, Mark Cridge, and Fionna Saintraint
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