All public-facing K4D outputs are available on OpenDocs.
Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries
K4D publishes monthly Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries to signpost the latest relevant resources, evidence and discourse.
K4D Helpdesk Reports
Below are K4D Helpdesk Reports related to conflict, peace and humanitarian issues. All reports are listed by publication date.
Overview report
Reports from 2022
Reports from 2021
- Incorporating Gender Perspective In Peace Operations Since 2018;
William Avis - Lessons Learned from Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) Programmes that Operate in Fragile or Conflict Affected Settings;
Evert-jan Quak - Lessons Learnt from Humanitarian Negotiations With The Taliban, 1996-2001;
Luke Kelly - Lessons Learned on Cultural Heritage Protection In Conflict And Protracted Crisis;
Luke Kelly - Water, Climate Change and Conflict;
Rachel Cooper - Alternative Systems for Managing Financial Transactions In Humanitarian Crises;
Kelbesa Megersa
Reports from 2020
- Supporting Survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence;
Sue Enfield - Water Infrastructure In Fragile- And Conflict-Affected States;
Laura Bolton - Humanitarian Pauses And Corridors In Contexts Of Conflict;
Roz Price - Addressing Societal Divisions In Post-Conflict City Settings;
Huma Haider - Evidence On Resilience Approaches In Fragile And Conflict-Affected States And Protracted Situations;
Luke Kelly - Accountability To Affected Populations And Cost-Effectiveness In Humanitarian Outcomes;
Kelbesa Megersa - Responsible Exit From Humanitarian Interventions;
Kerina Tull - Media/Communications On Peacebuilding/Building Social Cohesion/Changing Prevailing Narratives On Conflict;
Iffat Idris - Cost-Effectiveness In Humanitarian Outcomes And Development In Fragile And Conflict-Affected States: An Update Of Helpdesk Reports 457–462;
Roz Price - The Use Of Data For Cost-Effectively Improving Humanitarian Outcomes;
Laura Bolton - Cost-Effectiveness In Humanitarian Outcomes: Logistics;
Kerina Tull - Lessons From Conflict Resolution Interventions;
Laura Bolton - Peacebuilding And Extractives In Fragile And Conflict-Affected States;
Brigitte Rohwerder - International Actors’ Support On Inclusive Peace Processes;
William Avis
Reports from 2019
- The Role Of Aid Conditionality In Inducing Conflict Parties To Enter In To A Peace Process;
Siân Herbert - Conditionality And Other Approaches To Secure Women’s Rights Provisions In Peace Processes;
Iffat Idris - Linking Social Protection And Humanitarian Response – Best Practice;
Iffat Idris - Challenges Religious Minorities Face In Accessing Humanitarian Assistance;
William Avis - Lessons Learned From Preventing And Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) Programmes Amid Ongoing Conflict;
Luke Kelly - Climate Change, Vulnerability To Violent Extremism And Conflict In Kenya;
Roz Price - Evidence On Implementation Of Joint Needs Assessments (JNA) And Accountability To Affected Populations (AAP) By Humanitarian Organisations;
Luke Kelly - Guidance, Standards And Protocols In Humanitarian Sector On Reducing Harm To The Environment;
Kerina Tull - Rural Stakeholder Engagement In Social Cohesion, Reconciliation And Peacebuilding Projects;
Huma Haider - Evidence On The Indirect Contribution Of Humanitarian Activities To Deradicalisation Or Countering Violent Extremism (CVE); And The Risks In Linking Such Objectives Or Activities?;
Luke Kelly - Support For Civil Society Engagement In Peace Processes;
Iffat Idris - Uses Of Digital Technologies In Managing And Preventing Conflict;
Luke Kelly - The Impact Of Creating Backward And Forward Linkages Between Lead Firms And SMEs In Conflict Settings;
Evert-Jan Quak - Implications Of Not Addressing Mental Health And Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Needs In Conflict Situations;
Anna Orrnert - Gender As A Causal Factor In Conflict;
Jenny Birchall - Climate Change As A Driver Of Conflict In Afghanistan And Other Fragile And Conflict Affected States;
Roz Price
K4D Emerging Issues Reports
- Education, Conflict and Stability in South Sudan;
Huma Haider - Trends in Conflict and Stability in the Indo-Pacific;
Iffat Idris - The Relationship Between Population Growth, Age Structure, Conflict, and Governance in Sub- Saharan Africa;
Dylan O’Driscoll - Conflict, political and economic analysis of North Eastern Kenya;
Huma Haider
K4D Videos and Webinars
Below are a K4D videos and webinars related to conflict, peace and humanitarianism.
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