The World Economic Forum’s Jobs Reset Summit will serve as a key milestone in supporting such a mobilization, working closely with its partners around the world. The virtual meeting will bring together visionary leaders and consortia from business, government, civil society, media and the broader public to shape a new agenda for growth, jobs, skills and equity.
What’s on the agenda?
The four-day programme, held on 20-23 October 2020, aims to develop new frameworks, shape innovative solutions and accelerate action on four thematic pillars:
- Economic growth, revival, and transformation
How do we rewire the global economy to focus on the quality and direction of future economic growth, as well as its speed? What steps are required to pivot to inclusive, sustainable growth and development models in advanced, emerging and developing economies?
- Work, Wages, and Job Creation
What investments are required to create new jobs, support living wages and develop new standards in digital, on-site and hybrid workplaces? As we transition to green and inclusive economies, how can social safety nets be reimagined to adequately meet the challenges of the labour markets of tomorrow?
- Education, skills and life-long learning
With the digital transformation of jobs accelerating and temporary job losses at risk of becoming permanent, how do we accelerate action on reskilling, upskilling and training? How can new skills be delivered to the current global workforce while reforming education content and delivery for the workforce of the future?
- Equity, inclusion and social justice
How can the current disruption of economic systems and labour markets be leveraged to embed greater social justice and ensure greater opportunity for all? How can we shift towards hardwiring greater diversity, equity and inclusion into the future workplace and beyond?
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