IVCO 2023 “A New Generation of Volunteers as Changemakers: Deadlines extended for IVCO 2023

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Welcome to the IVCO 2023 “A New Generation of Volunteers as Changemakers” updates!

Together with IVCO hosts Yayasan Sukarelawan Siswa (YSS), we have some great news to share, as we are extending deadlines to allow you to grab our special ticket offers, including the Early Bird rate and special rates for young people and low-income organisations.

We are also extending deadlines for speakers, facilitators, and bloggers who would like to apply to contribute to IVCO 2023.

Take note of all deadlines, see the details on applying to become IVCO 2023 contributor, and see how to get your special rate tickets below.


  1. Speakers and facilitators application – 31 July
  2. Bloggers – 31 July
  3. Youth rate & low-income subsidised tickets – 31 July
  4. Early bird ticket rate – 25 August


Call for Speakers and Facilitators

Share your insights, experiences, or innovative ideas related to youth development and volunteering in development and join the conference program as a speaker or facilitator. Apply here

The deadline extended to: 31 July

Call for IVCO Blogs

Leading up to IVCO 2023, we intend to release a sequence of blog posts to provide context and enrich our discussions during the event. If you wish to contribute by writing a blog post related to the conference theme, you can still apply and share your ideas by filling out this form.

If you have any questions about this process, please email James O’Brien at jobrien@forum-ids.org.

The deadline extended to: 31 July


Subsidised Rates for Youth and Low-Income Organisations

To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in IVCO 2023, we offer subsidised rate tickets to young people under 30. Low-income organisations with an annual income of less than USD 1 million can also avail of that special ticket. Apply here

The deadline extended to: 31 July

EARLY BIRD Ticket Rate

For those who want to take advantage of our special discounted rates, we offer an Early Bird rate for conference registration. Secure your spot early and save! Apply now

The deadline extended to: 25 August

Together with Yayasan Sukarelawan Siswa (YSS), we are looking forward to meeting you in Kuala Lumpur!

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...


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Empowered by ENGAGE,
Toward the Volunteering Inspired Society.