A New Year's Sermon: a Reflection on Nepal by Josh Simons, Senior Programmes Manager-World Jewish Relief

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This is the holiest time of the year for the Jewish people as it is between Rosh HaShanah ( Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the day of atonement). My colleague Josh Simons wrote this wonderful sermon about his reflections on spending time in Nepal as part of the World Jewish Relief, relief and recovery programs. You can reach Josh at Josh@worldjewishrelief.org

In the Shadows of Syrian Exodus

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In the Conclusion, to descend the terrorism in Arabic region, capable Muslim leader should over take the leadership to unite the Sunni and Siya line of Muslim. And they must abandoned the fundamental thought, also should be believe in the democratic practices in politics.

Radicals are getting prominent. Is the end of moderate politics?

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With the election of a radical politician as leader, the Labour Party in UK is entering into a new phase. What does represent the rise of radical and populist politics? Is it the end of moderate way of doing politics ?

The Start

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small text involves huge phenomenon

Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganpati Puja, Sthapana

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This article as details about ganesh chaturthi mahurat date and time, Ganpati Sthapana, history, why it is celebrated and time when it is prohibited Moon Sighting and remedy if sighted, how to celebrated. Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular festivals in the Country and around the world. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as birth anniversary of Lord Ganesh.


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Today is election day in the city state. With the entire society embracing a democratic spirit and the political space opening up, change will be inevitable, sooner or later.

How the refugees crisis will shape the future of the European Union

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The increasing divide between eastern and western members of the EU in how to handle the refugee crisis can offer a new impetus to a new federated union among the euro countries while easterners, Scandinavian and British will be more than happy simply with an economic block.


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Sept 5th is Teacher's Day in India. A little Thank You note for a teacher.

Interview with Laxmi Nepal

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3rd edition of ENGAGE talk with Laxmi Nepal, currently working with ENGAGE, she shares her experience being visually impaired and how she overcomes her struggles.

The Refugee Situation: Do Something Now!

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We must do something as we don't know when we or our family members will be the refugees.
