Impact Summit Series 2022

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Building on demand for short, sharp and influential events, the GSG is proud to present THREE x ONE DAY, ONLINE EVENTS across the year, exploring key developments in the impact sector including the recommendations and actions from the G7 Impact Taskforce (ITF).

In 2021, the ITF made powerful recommendations to achieve greater impact transparency and to mobilise private capital at scale for a Just Transition. On one hand, they give investors the tools to compare the impact of investments and trigger a race to the top. On the other, they give institutional investors more opportunities to invest for the SDGs and a transition to net zero that leaves no one behind.

The Impact Summit Series drives collaboration and action for impact capital at scale. You’ll hear from impact leaders, practitioners and NAB voices from around the world.


Building on demand for short, sharp and influential events, the GSG is proud to present THREE x ONE DAY, ONLINE ACTION-ORIENTED EVENTS across the year, exploring key developments in the impact sector including the recommendations and actions from the G7 Impact Taskforce (ITF).


SAVE THE DATES (registration opens soon):

15 June, 12:00-15:45 BST
Part 1: Financing a Better World Through Impact Transparency

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22 September, 12:00-15:00 BST
Part 2: Boosting Capital Allocation in Emerging Markets

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22 November, 12:00-15:00 GMT
Part 3: Townhall hosted by Sir Ronald Cohen, GSG Chair

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In 2021, the ITF made powerful recommendations to achieve greater impact transparency and to mobilise private capital at scale for a Just Transition. On one hand, they give investors the tools to compare the impact of investments and trigger a race to the top. On the other, they give institutional investors more opportunities to invest for the SDGs and a transition to net zero that leaves no one behind.

The Impact Summit Series drives collaboration and action for impact capital at scale. You’ll hear from global leaders, impact practitioners and NAB voices from around the world.

More details and registration coming soon. In the meantime, please save the dates. We look forward to seeing you at the GSG Impact Summit Series this year! 



A registered UK charity since November 2017, the GSG currently has 33 member countries plus the EU. Chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen, the GSG brings together leaders from finance, business and philanthropy to solve some of the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.

The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) is an independent organisation catalysing impact investment and entrepreneurship to benefit people and the planet. The GSG was established in August 2015 as the successor to and incorporating the work of the Social Impact Investment Taskforce established under the UK´s presidency of the G8.


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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